The premier annual esoteric conference on the East Coast for intermediate to advanced practitioners
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Venue: Lindsay B/C clear filter
Thursday, March 27

4:00pm EDT

Desecrated Sacred: Reclaiming Abandoned Spaces in Our Communities and Ourselves
Thursday March 27, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
As we strive to unpack the shadows of our culture, one that persists in pagan communities is a purity ethos that holds wild places–grottos, groves, and other ‘untouched’ places– as more sacred than humanized ones, and replicates dominant culture patterns of simultaneously devaluing and worshiping the foreign or distant Other. In this time of upheaval and consumerism, there is a counter call: in guerrilla gardening and reclaiming of the commons, to upcycling, and graffiti arts. The “negative” spaces of abandoned buildings, irradiated landscapes and other edge spaces offer a possibility for generational healing: how can we reclaim as sacred that which we have abandoned, trashed, or poisoned in ourselves and the places we belong? 
avatar for Samphire Savage

Samphire Savage

Samphire Savage, MSW, SEP (any pronouns) is an embodiment specialist, game designer, storyteller, delightworker, and Good Trouble. A queermudgeon and aspiring Quest Giver who often find themselves dragged along on adventures, or doing witchy cryptid things in the woods. Samphire’s default world background i... Read More →
Thursday March 27, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

7:30pm EDT

The Invocation of the Formless Gate of Primordial Khaos
Thursday March 27, 2025 7:30pm - 9:00pm EDT
Join J.R. Mascaro in a ritual to reach through the formless gate into the undefined and infinite potentiality of unmanifest Khaos. In this ritual you will attempt to interface with will beyond thought, concept beyond language, and all pervading forces beyond ready definition. The intent of this ritual is for the celebrants to reach past preconceptions of life, magic, and reality to exist for a moment as tabula rasa upon which timelessness may project new revelations. 
avatar for J.R. Mascaro

J.R. Mascaro

J.R. Mascaro is an author, artist, and sorcerer who has been working with energy and communicating with inhabitants of the subtle realm since childhood. He has used his ritual practice to navigate life, and it is his desire to share with others the techniques and methods that have helped him... Read More →
Thursday March 27, 2025 7:30pm - 9:00pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

9:15pm EDT

Goetia for Beginners – Conjuring the Demon Shax
Thursday March 27, 2025 9:15pm - 10:45pm EDT
Following a brief lecture on Goetia, including its history, theory, and modern practice, I will teach you how to conjure the demon Shax, about whom the Lesser Key of Solomon says “Shax is thought to be faithful and obedient, but is a great liar and will deceive the conjurer unless obliged to enter a magic triangle drawn on the floor. He will then speak marvellously and tell the truth. He knows when lies are told and uses these to teach lessons.” Together, we will oblige him to enter into a triangle, and then request him to teach us further magic. This ritual is safe, easy, and fun. There will be no explicit sexual or violent content, although demons sometimes get a little spicy, and I cannot entirely control what Shax will say. Please do not come to class intoxicated or otherwise out of your right mind.
avatar for Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros

Sara L. Mastros is the author of The Big Book of Magical Incense, Orphic Hymns Grimoire, The Sorcery of Solomon: A Guide to the 44 Planetary Pentacles of the Magician King, and the forthcoming Sefer HaOtot: A Hebrew Book of Seals. She is recognized by her peers as a brilliant and original thinker... Read More →
Thursday March 27, 2025 9:15pm - 10:45pm EDT
Lindsay B/C
Friday, March 28

10:00am EDT

Solarpunk Pentacle: a Narrative for Action
Friday March 28, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
What narrative flows through this pentacle that can help us be more effective in the world and create the futures we desire? What tools emerge for justice and resilience? What does it mean to be a Solarpunk Witch? Solarpunk looks outward and focuses on mutuality and interconnection. It’s a movement, an aesthetic, a genre, and so much more. This is an experiential session where we’ll run the pentacle in our bodies, walk it, and sense the narrative that comes through and how we can apply it in our lives and our communities. For more about solarpunk, see BrightFlame’s website.
avatar for Brightflame


BrightFlame (she/they) writes, teaches, and makes magic for a just, regenerating world. Her debut solarpunk novel The Working launched summer 2024. Her speculative fiction appears in acclaimed magazines and anthologies, most recently Solarpunk Creatures. She’s been practicing and teaching in the g... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Lindsay B/C

1:30pm EDT

Evidential Mediumship Development
Friday March 28, 2025 1:30pm - 3:15pm EDT
Evidential mediumship is the ability to communicate with the spirit world to connect the dead with the living by bringing forth validating details. In this class, we will focus on development exercises and practice techniques you can use to enhance your evidential mediumship communication. Learn ways to obtain information from the spirit world and bring through compelling evidence, essence, and messages from the dead.
avatar for Danielle Dionne

Danielle Dionne

Danielle Dionne is a psychic, medium, witch, herbalist, homesteader, and author of Magickal Mediumship and Chronically Magickal. She is a High Priestess in the Temple of Witchcraft Tradition, serving as Ministerial Deputy of Scorpio for death and dying, sacred sexuality, and ancestral connections... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 1:30pm - 3:15pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

3:30pm EDT

Psychic Skills For Tarot
Friday March 28, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Enhance your tarot readings by integrating powerful psychic skills in this workshop based on Mat Auryn’s newest book, The Psychic Art of Tarot. Designed for all levels, this class focuses on using psychic abilities such as scrying, mediumship, remote viewing, and engaging your “clairs” during tarot readings. Participants will learn techniques for developing intuition, connecting with psychic symbols, and applying these skills during tarot sessions. Guided by Mat Auryn’s expertise, you’ll discover how to trust your psychic impressions, interpret cards with greater depth, and provide more insightful and accurate readings.
avatar for Mat Auryn

Mat Auryn

Mat Auryn is an influential author and teacher in occultism and witchcraft, with an international audience. His books Psychic Witch, Mastering Magick, and The Psychic Art of Tarot offer practical insights into psychic and magickal practices. He also co-authored Pisces Witch with Ivo Domin... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

7:00pm EDT

Lunar Awakening: A Pathway to the Divine
Friday March 28, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
As the Moon traverses the starry skies, she travels through her phases and frequencies, mirroring the ever-changing rhythms of our world. When we attune our consciousness to these cosmic energies, we gracefully deepen our connection to All That is Holy, aligning ourselves with the Divine, both within and without. In a ceremony facilitated by Lady Jesamyn and the Cista Mystica Priestesses, we shall honor the Moon Mother in Her guise as the Goddess Selene. Under Her loving gaze and with focused Vision, we will reflect upon our own inner Truth, connecting with Her sacred waters and energizing our goals and our intentions for growth. With thankfulness, we will express our gratitude for the Moon’s never-ending witness of our lives.
Friday March 28, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

8:45pm EDT

A Ritual for the God Hades
Friday March 28, 2025 8:45pm - 10:15pm EDT
In the Greek pantheon, Hades oversees the underworld, the process of transition, and pathways to the Other Worlds. Known as the King of Riches and the husband of the Goddess Persephone, His mythology is complex and packed with layers of intrigue, drama, and challenges. Like all of us, and all of the Gods, He is multi-faceted and much more than the sum of His stories. Hades’ mystery and magick offer unexpected guidance and gifts to those who are willing to connect with Him as they travel the paths of this world. Join us in a ritual for the God Hades to see another side of Hades, and experience the God behind the stories. 
avatar for Jessica Shoemaker

Jessica Shoemaker

Jessica Shoemaker is currently a First Degree Member within the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel Tradition. She walks with one foot in this world and one in the other worlds as a certified Death Midwife, serving many areas including Wilmington, Delaware. Jessica is also a Reiki healer... Read More →
avatar for Kat Wheels

Kat Wheels

Kat Wheels has been active in the pagan community since 2009, and is a 2nd degree initiate of Grail of the Birch Moon, a coven in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel located in Wilmington, Delaware. She shares her love and joy of all things metaphysical and occult through her classes... Read More →
Friday March 28, 2025 8:45pm - 10:15pm EDT
Lindsay B/C
Saturday, March 29

10:00am EDT

A Wrinkle in Time: Expelling the Curses of the Year
Saturday March 29, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
In order to exorcise and protect against the Wayeb— the non-Euclidean time period of the Mayan Calendar (March 25 – March 29, 2025), Solomon Pakal will lead a ritual of expulsion and replacement of temporal dimensional energies. The Mayan solar year will reach its conclusion with the arrival of these five demonic curses. With their departure, a New Year Bearer will be rung in and be petitioned for a healthy rest of the Gregorian calendar year of  2025. Using adapted practices found in modern day Guatemalan highlands and pre-Columbian primary resources, this ritual aims to keep our community safe during this shattered instant and usher in a brighter time for the road ahead. “A Wrinkle in Time” will expand practitioners’ understanding of temporal dimensionality in the craft.
avatar for Solomon Pakal

Solomon Pakal

Solomon Pakal is a magical practitioner of over 20 years in numerous esoteric paths. He is a historian, former United States Army Officer, former professional athlete and Combat Sports Analyst. Solomon Pakal specializes in Angelic Magic as well as sorcery and devotion with the Gods of the Ancie... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Lindsay B/C

1:30pm EDT

Folklore and Animism in a Disenchanted World
Saturday March 29, 2025 1:30pm - 3:15pm EDT
The nineteenth and twentieth centuries saw an apparent triumph of materialism and a disenchantment of the average person’s perceptions of the world. With that, folk knowledge and the spirits which were once recognized by the average person fade to obscurity or become the quaint stories and superstitions of the past. At least, this is what we’ve been told. Much of the world still believes in and experiences the uncanny. People relay urban legends and create new folklore because they need to process those things which exist beneath the surface. In this class we will explore how the paranormal, the weird, the pop-cultural, and the creepy lore of the internet may tie into the living and animistic reality of the world. 
avatar for BJ Swain

BJ Swain

BJ Swain is the author of Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits, Luminarium: A Grimoire of Cunning Conjuration, and Familiar Unto Me: Witches Sorcerers and Their Spirit Companions. He was a contributing editor for Heaven and Hell 2018: The Grimoire Issue, and has had ess... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 1:30pm - 3:15pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

3:30pm EDT

Esoteric Infrastructure
Saturday March 29, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Temples, Groves, Hofs, Libraries, Athenaea, Sanctuaries, Labyrinths, Sacred Spaces, Sacred Places. What is it that draws human beings to ‘place?’ And what is it about such places in the physical world that connects people and gives them a sense of rootedness and meaning? With the rise of the internet and the availability of ‘anytime and anywhere’ have esoteric communities of all stripes grown beyond the need for places? There will be an exploration of these questions along with examples of such places available to those walking these magickal, spiritual, and religious paths.
avatar for Michael G. Smith

Michael G. Smith

Michael G Smith has been practicing Wicca, Magick, and various esoteric disciplines since 1989 and became active in the Pagan community in 1993 when he joined the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a Wiccan organization in the Mid-Atlantic region, and serves as an Elder of the ASW, responsible... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

7:00pm EDT

Hoodoo and the Crossroads: Conjure in the Graveyard and at the Crossroads
Saturday March 29, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
The Crossroads are the “Axis Mundi”, the Center of the World. This overview class will explore the human roots of the Crossroads. Doctor Beverley will discuss the spiritual and magical significance of the Crossroads and will suggest Rootwork, Ritual, and Conjure methods for working at the Crossroads. Graveyard Hoodoo is also covered – including methods for collecting graveyard dirt, times of day, warnings, and common spiritual uses.
avatar for Beverly Smith (Doctor Beverly)

Beverly Smith (Doctor Beverly)

Beverley Smith, also known as “Doctor Beverley” in the Conjure/Hoodoo community, has been a spiritual teacher and civil rights advocate since the early 1990s. She was a teacher and a High Priestess in the Druidic Craft of the Wise: The American Rite for over 20 years. Currently she is a two-head... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Lindsay B/C
Sunday, March 30

10:00am EDT

Meeting Sekhmet
Sunday March 30, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Sekhmet is not just a destroyer but also a healer, a mother, a guardian, and a guide. Upon entering, the participants will receive one of Sekhmet’s many names. We will cast a circle, then each participant will call Sekhmet by one of Her many names to join us. After She is with us, we journey into the desert, to her temple that exists within our hearts. We will have the opportunity to surrender ourselves to Her and she will take her mighty claws and slice our hearts open and remove that which no longer serves. Once “purified” by Her, we will continue our journey to the inner sanctum of Her temple and have an audience with Her. Then return to ritual space. 
avatar for Monica Stanton

Monica Stanton

Monica Stanton is a third degree high priestess within the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. She has a master’s degree in history/archaeology and has traveled extensively around the world. When traveling, her focus is on the myths and legends of the local areas, learning as much as... Read More →
Sunday March 30, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Lindsay B/C

1:00pm EDT

The Healing of Sacred Cacao
Sunday March 30, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Cacao (chocolate) has a long history as a healing plant ally throughout Mesoamerica. In this curanderismo ritual with Mayan origins, we will create sacred space, build a group altar, prepare the cacao drink using traditional methods, and go on a trance journey to empower our inner healer. Each participant’s experience will be unique through the sounds, imagery, sensations, feelings, and connections with the Mother Cacao and your own individual spirit guides. Please bring a sacred item for our group altar dedicated to Mother Cacao.
avatar for Dr. Adam Miramon

Dr. Adam Miramon

Dr. Adam Miramon is a second-degree initiate and head of the Healer’s Guild in the Order of Elemental Mysteries and a current curanderismo apprentice. Their profession as a doctor of acupuncture is a small fraction of their vocation as a healer. They incorporate their knowledge... Read More →
Sunday March 30, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

2:45pm EDT

The Thirteen Planes of Progression
Sunday March 30, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm EDT
The Thirteen Planes describe varying levels of human consciousness as they interact with the world. By aligning ourselves to each of these planes we can learn to perceive the spirits there and can enhance our psychic and spiritual abilities. We will use this traditional teaching of Faery witchcraft to traverse the planes, one by one, in order to better align ourselves to our highest nature, and also to plumb the depths of our own shadows.
avatar for Storm Faerywolf

Storm Faerywolf

Storm Faerywolf is a professional author, experienced teacher, visionary poet, and practicing warlock. He was trained in various streams of magic and witchcraft, most notably the Anderson Faery tradition, where he holds the Black Wand of a Master. He is chancellor of Modern Witch University, co-founder... Read More →
Sunday March 30, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm EDT
Lindsay B/C
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