Beverley Smith, also known as “Doctor Beverley” in the Conjure/Hoodoo community, has been a spiritual teacher and civil rights advocate since the early 1990s. She was a teacher and a High Priestess in the Druidic Craft of the Wise: The American Rite for over 20 years. Currently she is a two-headed Conjure Doctor, a bone reader/diviner, and Rootworker who teaches conjure herbal magic. She has curates Doc Bev’s Sacred Herbs – handcrafted Hoodoo products, handmade in small batches, using only the finest ingredients, organic herbs and flowers, and food-grade essential oils. A yoga practitioner of over 30 years, Doctor Beverley is a staunch believer in the Mind-Body-Soul connection. A spoken-word artist and storyteller, social justice is her passion. Her interests include contemporary West Indian folk literature, African-American folk magic, resistance magic, and revolutionary art of all kinds. Doctor Beverley has been a stained glass mosaicist since 1990. She lives in the mountains of Southern California with her family, her flower & vegetable garden, and two fabulous cats.