The premier annual esoteric conference on the East Coast for intermediate to advanced practitioners
Saturday March 29, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
The Crossroads are the “Axis Mundi”, the Center of the World. This overview class will explore the human roots of the Crossroads. Doctor Beverley will discuss the spiritual and magical significance of the Crossroads and will suggest Rootwork, Ritual, and Conjure methods for working at the Crossroads. Graveyard Hoodoo is also covered – including methods for collecting graveyard dirt, times of day, warnings, and common spiritual uses.
avatar for Beverly Smith (Doctor Beverly)

Beverly Smith (Doctor Beverly)

Beverley Smith, also known as “Doctor Beverley” in the Conjure/Hoodoo community, has been a spiritual teacher and civil rights advocate since the early 1990s. She was a teacher and a High Priestess in the Druidic Craft of the Wise: The American Rite for over 20 years. Currently she is a two-head... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EDT
Lindsay B/C

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