The premier annual esoteric conference on the East Coast for intermediate to advanced practitioners
Saturday March 29, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Something often glossed over about modern Heathenry is a core belief in animism. Our forebears lived much closer to the land than we generally do. The belief that plants, animals, minerals, and humans all contain Spirit (animism) seems to have always been present in their world. In this class we explore how the Zusaagpflicht can help us get back to balance between the non-human and human peoples that inhabit this realm. This Urglaawisch “Sacred Promise” is easier to fulfill (regardless of spiritual belief) if we expand the 3 R’s beyond “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” by adding “Re-Think, and Reject”. Then we can begin to truly re-work our position and become better neighbours to our plant, animal, mineral, and aethereal neighbours.
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Ralph Victoria Young

Ralph Victoria Young has been practicing some form of magic since the late 1990s, and fell into Heathenry in 2015. A lineaged Hex in the Oley Freindschaft and the Blobarrick Freindschaft, Ralph is clergy in the Urglaawe religion and a certified Death Midwife. Intermittently, they host the Holle’s Ha... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT

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