The premier annual esoteric conference on the East Coast for intermediate to advanced practitioners
Saturday March 29, 2025 1:30pm - 3:15pm EDT
Explore the rich world of ancient prophetic Seer traditions with North Wyldewood High Priestesses JoAnna Farrer and Denise Cruci. With over twenty years of magical experience in practice together, JoAnna and Denise will share their expertise in Norse Seidr and Greek Oracular practices adapted for the modern day. JoAnna specializes in Greek Oracular seer work while Denise is a practitioner of Seidr and a Priestess of Freyja. This workshop will guide you through the basics of trance-based prophecy as it was practiced in ancient Norse and Greek cultures highlighting their similarities and differences as well as the unique way North Wyldewood has modified these styles of oracular work. Learn how to safely deepen your understanding of integrated prophetic work.
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Denise Cruci

Denise Cruci is the co-High Priestess and co-founder of the North Wyldewood Coven and Tradition. She served as The Troth steward for NYC for three years and was a founding member of Björnsal, along with Patricia Lafayllve, performing spae at festivals and private events in the US Northeast. Fo... Read More →
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Joanna Farrer

JoAnna Farrer is the co-high priestess of North Wyldewood Coven, co-founder of the North Wyldewood Tradition, and a professional violinist and teacher. She discovered Wicca at age 12 and has been a member of North Wyldewood Coven since its founding in 2003. JoAnna is a graduate of Juilliard... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 1:30pm - 3:15pm EDT

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