The premier annual esoteric conference on the East Coast for intermediate to advanced practitioners
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Saturday, March 29

10:00am EDT

Generational Trauma and Spiritual Hunger 
Saturday March 29, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
So much of the hunger that is taken advantage of in capitalism and consumerism is built on spiritual hunger — out of the actual hunger of the Great Depression and the World Wars of the 20th century. Modern western culture is an offspring of widespread hunger — both literal and spiritual. How does this hunger influence our culture and our spiritual pursuits?
avatar for Katrina Messenger

Katrina Messenger

Katrina Messenger is a poet, priestess, warrior, and witch. She is also a full-time Wiccan mystic and an ordained minister. For over thirty five years, she has studied mythology, esoteric sciences, and human development. She is the founder of Connect DC (1999) and Reflections Mystery School (2004) in... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT

1:30pm EDT

Building Resilient Pagan Communities
Saturday March 29, 2025 1:30pm - 3:15pm EDT
Along with providing spiritual union, opportunities for magical development, and social connections, Pagan and metaphysical groups, covens, groves, and chapters face challenges from the outside. Our communities are targeted by extremist organizations seeking to recruit members and by antisocial individuals seeking power over others. Additionally, some Pagan groups use holdover practices that are inaccessible or unwelcoming to the very people we are most hoping to help. Explore tools and techniques for increasing accessibility, identifying red flags, building policies that make predation more challenging for those who seek to do harm, conflict resolution, and more. 
avatar for Irene Glasse

Irene Glasse

Irene Glasse is a Heathen witch based in Western Maryland. She is a longtime teacher of witchcraft, meditation, and magic in the mid-Atlantic area.  She is the co-author of Blackfeather Mystery School: The Magpie Training (Dragon Alchemy, 2022), a contributing writer of Gemini Witch: Unlock... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 1:30pm - 3:15pm EDT

3:30pm EDT

Animism in a Heathen Context: The Zusaagpflicht
Saturday March 29, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
Something often glossed over about modern Heathenry is a core belief in animism. Our forebears lived much closer to the land than we generally do. The belief that plants, animals, minerals, and humans all contain Spirit (animism) seems to have always been present in their world. In this class we explore how the Zusaagpflicht can help us get back to balance between the non-human and human peoples that inhabit this realm. This Urglaawisch “Sacred Promise” is easier to fulfill (regardless of spiritual belief) if we expand the 3 R’s beyond “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle” by adding “Re-Think, and Reject”. Then we can begin to truly re-work our position and become better neighbours to our plant, animal, mineral, and aethereal neighbours.
avatar for Ralph Victoria Young

Ralph Victoria Young

Ralph Victoria Young has been practicing some form of magic since the late 1990s, and fell into Heathenry in 2015. A lineaged Hex in the Oley Freindschaft and the Blobarrick Freindschaft, Ralph is clergy in the Urglaawe religion and a certified Death Midwife. Intermittently, they host the Holle’s Ha... Read More →
Saturday March 29, 2025 3:30pm - 5:00pm EDT
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