The premier annual esoteric conference on the East Coast for intermediate to advanced practitioners
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Thursday, March 27

4:00pm EDT

Between Worlds: Understanding Liminal Spaces
Thursday March 27, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
It’s the in-between. Liminal space is the focus of many practices, from witchcraft to paranormal investigations to history to geography. Almost everyone touches liminal space and steps into its otherworldly connection. Join experienced ghost tour guide and lifelong practitioner, Rissa Miller, for this multifaceted journey to the threshold. From spirits and entities to gemstones and waterways; from crossroads to rituals and prayers, she will guide you through the veil to the edge of perception. These gateways have been a part of the earth experience since before written history. Learn how and why the liminal matters, and the healthiest ways to interact with the blurs where our ordinary reality fades.
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Rissa Miller

Rissa Miller is an editor, author, herbalist, seer, and storyteller. Her storytelling expertise stems from extensive research into the area of esoteric history; including ghosts, witchcraft, cryptids, and folklore. Rissa believes the most enduring stories teach us not only about humanity’s pa... Read More →
Thursday March 27, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

7:30pm EDT

Transforming Metals to Magical Weapons/Tools
Thursday March 27, 2025 7:30pm - 9:00pm EDT
Weapons are not always “sharp pointy things”. Simple, common metal items can become magical weapons as well. We will discuss some magical metal weapons and the gear that is found in various parts of the Irish Lore and mythology. From there, we will talk about ideas, concepts, and applications that can be used today in our magical working. We will talk about the properties of several common metals like copper, brass, and the differences between iron and steel.  We’ll discuss how to be intentional in our work for future use and will brainstorm ideas on how to be creative by adding those things to our magical toolbox. We will explore examples of creating magical tools from everyday, easy to get items. Now is the time to expand your magical toolbox with shiny stuff. If you use any metal in your practice, or want to, this workshop is for you!
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Sam "Bo" Thompson

Sam “Bo” Thompson has been a practicing pagan since the 90’s. He is a past VP and President of Triad CUUPs (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans). He is a Reiki Master Teacher and a certified Great Life Coach. He started his blacksmithing journey around 2012 and took to it like a duck to water. His... Read More →
Thursday March 27, 2025 7:30pm - 9:00pm EDT

9:15pm EDT

Procuring the Dead Sleeps: The Witch’s Ointment
Thursday March 27, 2025 9:15pm - 10:45pm EDT
In this presentation Coby will discuss the history of the witch’s flying ointment, including the contributing factors to how it is understood today. Through an analysis of recipes from the medieval period we will uncover the importance of key ingredients in these formulations, and how to create safe and effective formulas for modern usage. Attendees will learn how to extract and prepare these formulas using plants from the nightshade family for both medicinal and magical purposes.
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Coby Michael

Coby Michael is an occult herbalist and magical practitioner specializing in the ritual use of poisonous and psychoactive plants. He studied religion at Arizona State University and has been a folk herbalist since a young age. He owns and operates The Poisoner’s Apothecary, an online shop and edu... Read More →
Thursday March 27, 2025 9:15pm - 10:45pm EDT
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